Ky is 9 months old already. Where has the time gone. He is not my baby anymore, he is practically a toddler! He is walking every where, going up and down the stairs by himself, getting into everything, blabbing Mamama all the time, he has started eating a little table food and loves it and he wants to feed himself-he grabs for the spoon but I am not ready for him to feed himself yet,except for finger foods! Heck I was not ready for him to walk yet either. However I can no longer be in denial at the fact that he is growing up and doing it fast. He is apparently determined at what ever he puts his mind to. I have been unable to blog about an incident that happened with Ky because it made me feel so awful. The last Tuesday in January we were at play group at my friends house. I literally turned around for a couple seconds to get Dawson his lunch and Ky walked up and touched their fireplace, which was on, and burnt his right hand. Fast little guy. He got blisters on all is fingers within minutes. I felt AWFUL!!! As a nurse I knew he would be OK and that it was a simple no big deal fix, but as a Mom I felt like a schmuck!
Ky's hand sure didn't slow him down
His hand about a week later-Looking good!
So I have to face the fact that my baby is no longer my baby-but my pre-toddler,with no teeth yet. I have to just prepare myself for the bumps and bruises to come. Yesterday I went to lunch with some friends and came home to Ky with a big red bump above his eye. When I asked Bry what happened he said "Well it was either the edge of the fireplace or when he was playing in the cupboard, he hit his head both times." I maybe a little selfish but they grow so fast, I just want him to be my baby a little longer! Whether I am ready or not-the time has come and I can't deny it! On that note I would not change a thing about our little Ky man. Ky is such a joy in our house. He smiles constantly! We just adore him. His favorite toy right now is a bat that he carries around with him, I must admit it is so cute! He loves the tub and unfortunately the toilet as well. He can be found playing in it often especially when his older siblings forget to put the lid down. Lovely I know! He is starting to wave and he randomly gives high 5's and points at people. His laugh is contagious and he is so fun to play little games with. He is by far my biggest Mama's boy and I will be honest, I love it!!! Although not much of a cuddler, he doesn't sit still long enough, I am glad he loves his Mama! We love ya Ky man!
14 years ago
I just love that face! And I feel SO awful that my fireplace is the guilty party in the finger story! I was so sad to his little hand wrapped up. :( Glad he's feeling better.
Oh my gosh! He is a walking machine! I am so proud of him, but totally hear ya that it goes too dang fast and that you wish he would be your "baby" a little while longer. I'm glad his hand is doing better. Can't wait to see you!
What a cutie!! I can't believe he is walking! This is just the beginning! Hudson in 17 months and still loves the toilet and is into EVERYTHING! Boys are the best!
I can't believe he is walking already! He is going to be athletic just like Dawson. Sorry to hear about his hand, if it makes you feel any better, Lexi who was probably 2 1/2 at the time decided to kiss... YES kiss that same fireplace. Her lips were swollen and blistered for days! It was awful.
Wow, he is getting SO big! And he still looks just like Dawson! Sorry about the hand thing, kids sure do find everything that is dangerous. It is amazing that any kids survive childhood...
All your kids are sooo cute! Being a mom seems to be full of guilt even though you are always doing your best. You are a great mama!
I thought Owen grew up fast, I'm sure it will blind-side me to see how fast my next ones do. Kyler is so cute and we love seeing him at playgroup. Can't wait until he can join in and do some real playing!
Those poor little fingers!! It would be so nice to have your nursing skills! Very lucky!
Oh, he is SO cute Melissa! I love to see him walking around and falling on his little bum! You are such a cute mom.
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