It's that time of year again, Back To School!!! If I sound overly excited it is because I am. The kids are so excited about it, so why shouldn't I. Dawson can hardly contain him self. The night before he laid out his clothes in preparation for the first day of school. So cute!Out of all my kids he is the least one who needs to worry about that since he gets up so dang early!
Here he is all ready!
Outside his door, sooooo ready!
I have to say it is hard to be sad that school is starting when they are so excited and so ready. I promised Ky I would take him to McDonald's for lunch since they got to have lunch at school. We met up with some of his friends at McDonald's and had a great time. Around 1:30-2:00 I was missing my Dawson! I know, I know. First grade is just tough for me. They go all day and all I can think about is, I hope I have done enough! Not that your ever done, but it is just a huge realization that they are away from me more now, then they are with me. They have more outward influence than mine!
But at the end of the day I know I have been blessed with great kids! After school, over cookies and milk I got to hear all about their day.
Dawson's favorite part of school......Lunch and recess!
Addy was excited but also keenly aware of all that school brings.....HOMEWORK! She was not looking forward to that. Addy really likes her teacher and is excited to be with her friends again!
Addy and her BFF-Brooklynn
Addy's favorite part of the day.......math, science,reading and friends!
14 years ago
Love all the new posts! HOlly and I love to see all the pictures of what the kids are doing!
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