School starts tomorrow and I must say as glad as I am for Addy to be back in school and for my life to have some order again, tonight I am a little emotional. Addy will be gone all day. I know she will enjoy it and I am sure I will as well(it will be nice to do errands with only 2 chitlins by my side and spend individual time with them. I am wowed when I think of all I could possibly do and get done!) but I also know how much I will miss her! She is so helpful. I think it will definitely be hard for Dawson who just adores his sister. They have been playing so well together and I know he will miss her. Bry gave her a fathers blessing tonight just as he has every year she has gone to school and I am grateful for that, it gives me comfort. Especially because I realize that she will be gone more hours of the day than she will be home with me! I can only pray that the spirit will be with her and that we have done enough as parents that she will make good friends and choices.
Addy is so excited and I love watching her and seeing the excitement just flow from her. Oh to be a kid again!
14 years ago
Oh my goodness! Addy started school?! I'm sure she is having a great time and she is such a good kid, she will have great friends that strengthen her just as she will them. It's so hard to let them grow up sometimes...but that freedom to get things done does sound nice sometimes...!
I know exactly how you are feeling. I keep looking at the clock to see if it is time to go get Hayden. It's a big deal to let your kid go to school all day long! 45 more minutes!
Amen sister! I was very nervewracking but we made it! (Now if only Brooklynn will find the bus tomorrow!) :) Thanks for being so sweet about that. You're the best!
I totally know how you feel, Melissa. Sending them out in the world where you can't be there for every small and big thing that happens to them is scary. All you can do is what you are doing! Pray for her and teach her and love her. :)
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