We love St. Patty's day at our house. It was a big deal in my house growing up, mostly because my Dad went on his mission to Ireland!! He would get so excited about it and wear St. Patrick's ties, pins, talk with an accent all day and we had traditional Irish dinners. I look back now and it makes me smile, laugh and I really appreciate it, but during my teenage years I was more annoyed with the "weird" dinners, silly blinking pins and pinching if I wasn't wearing green! My goal as my kids get older- ANNOY them just the same way!!!!
As for now I am lucky that my kids love the silliness!
Here are the kids in their Holiday attire....
OH I will- all day long buddy!
For lunch we had Shamrock sandwhich's with Leprechaun brew
For dinner we had green pasta with garlic bread and sparkling Leprechaun's brew.
Dessert was mint ice cream cookie sandwich's!
14 years ago
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