Even as a baby Ky never liked to sit still and now he is all over the place both crawling and walking! Yes walking! He is only 8 1/2 months old! He not may little baby anymore. He has taken up to about 10 steps before 1 of 2 things happen. 1 He falls or 2 He realizes it is faster to crawl! He is very strong and determined.
One of Ky's favorite things lately is to play in the kitchen. He loves to open the drawers and cupboards and pull the stuff out or just play in them!
He is just standing there admiring his work or shall we say mess!Did I mention he likes to climb on things, I don't mean the stairs either. This morning we found him doing this. Yup he is inside the basket. Gotta love the grin!
Just chillin in the basket!
14 years ago
He is so adorable! That smile is a killer. Can't believe how grown up he is getting.
ky you know i see you evry day you are so cute crusing
What a busy, happy boy. Don't you wish we could freeze time and keep 'em our babies forever?!
Wow, that is pretty impressive! He's adorable!
Wow, that is an early walker! You are going to have your hands full!! He is a cutie...
I love it wen their little personalities come out and they show their true colors. Looks like this one is going to keep you on your toes!
I can't believe he is walking! Jace didn't walk until he was 19 months old. It is so cute! Jazz game looked like fun.
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