So I really don't make new year resolutions, why I am not really sure- I usually just don't. Lately I have however been going through a bit of self examination. Ever since I have had Ky, I just have not really felt like myself. I have been trying to figure it out, hence my self examination. At first I just chalked it up to hormones, adjusting to a life with 3 kiddos, lack of sleep and not exercising. While I do believe those all play a role in my feeling that way, I have decided it is now time for me to be more proactive. Instead of waiting for things to just get better regardless of my sleep habits, my hormones or the craziness of 3 kids I have to be who I am and who I want to be-NO EXCUSES!!!!
Pres. Hinckley came up with 6 BE'S for the youth-well all of the church really. I decided I need my own 6 BE'S. I shared them last week with Bryan and now I will share them with you. So here they are my "new"Life Resolutions...........
-BE MORE SERVICE ORIENTED.... I love to help others. It is what I do when I am at work,it is what I do as a Mom, as a women in the church and it truly makes me happy to help others. I feel like I have been lacking in that dept. So I am asking you, please if you ever need anything let me know, I would love to help.
-BE LESS SELFISH..... As a Mother I feel a inner battle with this one all the time. All I can say is that there must be balance in all things.
-BE MORE PATIENT...... Not only with my kids do I need to work on this. When I have my mind made up about something, it is hard for me to be patient. Example- It is hard for me to be patient and wait to finish our basement a little at a time, I want to take out a loan and do it now! Not smart I know(luckily I am married to a really smart and patient man) but that is why I need to be more patient. I have a friend at work who says that-on her way to work she never asks the Lord for patience while at work because he will give her the most trying patient. That makes me laugh but I am still praying for it-so bring it on-Patience is a Virtue and I want it!
-BE MORE FUN...... I feel like I am normally a real fun person. Lately I think I have lost some of my spunk. I 'm bringing back the spunk. Watch out!!!!
-BE MORE ORGANIZED...... Let me just say I am not an organized freak, but part of me wants to be. I do feel that my life flows a little better when I am organized-that goes for my house as well. I am striving for more organization, any pointers for me while I am patiently waiting until my basement is done????
-BE/ HAVE PERSPECTIVE...... It is important for me to get back to basics. It is important for me to remember why I am here and that I am a Daughter of God. I have a purpose and what I am doing is important. My children are blessings from a loving Heavenly Father, who loves me as well. It is important for me to know that I have a husband who loves me and is a huge blessing in my life! Yes, I need to keep things in perspective, what is truly important to me and important in this life!
So there ya have it my 6 BE'S. No way will I accomplish all this in one year( heavens my basement may not even be done in one year), let alone my lifetime. These are my "Life Resolutions", my weakness in all their glory! Hopefully I will make progress little by little- Line upon Line right! I think it is time to crank up the music and dance with my kiddos-Dawson will be home from school any minute, he loves to dance and he is not afraid to admit it! Hey look at me being so fun, working on them already! Anyone else feel like dancing?????
14 years ago
These were great and really inspired me. Your family is lucky to have you as a wife and mother. You are great.
Sis - you are my hero!!!! our 6 Be's. You know me...I am always up for a bit of organization! I love you! You have inspired me to set some new goals for myself!
I am dancing while reading this blog. I think I'll actually print it out and post it on my kitchen bulletin board...very wise, sista!
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